Sri Shanmugha College of Pharmacy is a place where learning is celebrated every day. The college provides everybody with equal opportunity into its fold irrespective of caste, religion, language or based on gender. The college ensures that every individual inside the campus exercises equal rights and acquires in the process of offering or receiving education. Justice, Peace and Revolution are the roots based on which the living system exists in the campus. Any act, speech or intentions that perturb the harmony among the people is seriously regarded and dealt with on an immediate basis to restore the peace. Any such issues if found shall be brought into the notice by email to Anti -Discrimination officer, Mr. Mr.S.Parthiban, Assistant Professor, School of Computing Constitution and Objectives of the Anti-Discrimination Cell. Sri Shanmugha College of Pharmacy has constituted the Anti-Discrimination Cell in compliance to the UGC regulations (Promotion of Equity in Higher Educational Institutions), with the following members:
S.No |
Name |
Position |
Present/Designation |
1. |
Mr.S.Parthiban |
Chairperson |
AP/ P’Cology |
2. |
Mr..T.Boopathi |
Member |
AP/P’Cology |
3. |
Mr.Uthayakumar |
Member |
A.O |
4. |
Ms.Srija |
Student Member |
Student Member (II B.Pharm) |
5. |
N. Kavin Kumar | Student Member |
Student Member (III B.Pharm) |
6. |
M Thangavel |
Student Member |
Student Member (I B.Pharm) |
Objectives of the Cell:
- This cell will look after the related matters (if any) of depriving a student / staff or group of students on the basis of caste, creed, language, ethnicity, gender, different ability. 2. This cell always tries to uphold the dignity of the institution by addressing the concerns (if any) brought into the notice related to equality in offering or receiving education inside the campus.
- This cell ensures a conducive environment for academic growth of the people belonging to the university.
- This cell protects the rights of individuals without any prejudice to their appearance or lifestyle in the process of learning inside the campus.
- The Cell shall eliminate discrimination against or harassment of any individual in all forms by prohibiting it and by providing preventive and protective measures to facilitate its eradication and punishments for those who indulge in any form of discrimination or harassment.
Date: 19.11.2020 Time: 10.00 am Venue: Board Room
Subject: In Pharmacy College Board Room a meeting was conducted to form the Anti Discrimination Cell members. The extract of the minutes of the meeting are as follows.
The meeting was conducted with committee members and the following points were discussed in order to prevent the ragging related incidents.
- The committee members are instructed to monitor the senior and junior students and their behaviors in the campus
- Through the class teachers, the students are monitored in view of issues relating caste, creed, language, ethnicity, gender, different ability.
- These cell members are advised to ensure a conducive environment for academic growth by observing the students’ issues.
- To prevent the discrimination issues, the members are instructed creat awareness among the students by circulating the punishments against discrimination or harassment of any individual.
At the end of the meeting the chairperson thanked all the members for their involvement & notions.
Date: 19.08.2021 Time: 10.00 am Venue: Board Room
Subject: In Pharmacy College Board Room a meeting was conducted to form the Anti Discrimination Cell members. The extract of the minutes of the meeting are as follows.
The meeting was conducted with committee members and the following points were discussed in order to prevent the ragging related incidents.
- Emergency contact details of committee members displayed
- Discussed to display general instructions in college campus and hostel 3. The committee members are instructed to monitor the senior and junior students 4. Through the class teachers, the students are monitored in view of issues relating caste, creed, language, ethnicity, gender, different ability.
- These cell members are advised to ensure a conducive environment for academic growth by observing the students’ issues.
- To prevent the discrimination issues, the members are instructed create awareness among the students by circulating the punishments against discrimination or harassment of any individual.
At the end of the meeting the chairperson thanked all the members for their involvement & notions.