Sri Shanmugha Educational Institutions
At the outset of academic year, the students’ learning level is assessed through dual measures viz., on the basis of marks scored in +2 examination and in entry level test and in pursuance they are identified as slow and advanced learners. This system helps to formulate a strategy for improving slow learners through special coaching/tutorial sessions to bridge the gap between them and advanced learners.
After analyzing the learning level from their performance in daily tests and first Internal Assessment Examination, the students are again categorized which encourages them to learn more and prove their involvement in the classroom observation. In order to motivate the students continuous trainings are given on communication skills, personality development, time management, seminars and guest lectures are arranged for their benefit. Various workshops with hands-on session both internal and external are arranged for promoting their programming knowledge and skills. The advanced learners are termed as “coordinators” and they actively sharing their knowledge with the slow learners.
Strategy for Slow Learners:
Strategy for Advanced Learners:
Our Institution adopts the innovative robust teaching learning process so as to provide quality education and good learning experience for students to make them to analyze the real-time applications and to supply the needs, as per industrial scenario.
Experiential Learning – termed as “Hands-on learning” is imparted to our students in real time applications through Seminars and Workshops. Faculties demonstrate the complicated systems and its concepts through working models and video clippings which enable students to understand the working concepts of a project through experience rather than by learning. Our Institution encourages the students to do the projects by forwarding them to various industries to pursue their internships, industrial trainings viz., ICT and project-based learning which enable them to do industry oriented projects. Institution also motivates the final year students to take up projects from industries and thereby to understand the prevailing industrial scenario requirements. Students are motivated to participate in National Level Project Competitions and they also won prizes. E-learning resources viz., Amrita Virtual Lab, Swayam prabha, NPTEL, NME–ICT and LMS etc., are the other novel platforms used by our students which excel them in their experiential learning.
Participative Learning: Our Institution has been knitted with six Incubation Centres viz., Greefi Technology, K Teq Solution, Hatlet Technology, E-2 Info System, Effitrac and Skyline Web System etc., which support the students to undergo Industry-Oriented Training, Internship and Live-Projects etc., which is the ample proof of achieving their participative learning. Our Institution encourages frequent Group Discussion among students, as it is the prime modes of participative learning which helps students to become well acquainted with their subjects and fluency in the presentation. Students also practice the events such as Role-Play/3-Minutes talk/Quiz, other powerful modes of participative learning, so as to become thorough with subjective concepts and effective implementation. Equal importance is paid in encouraging students to participate in Workshops, Seminars, Club and Symposium activities, Design and Coding Contests, Ideathon and Hackathon events and presentation of innovative ideas in the Conferences and publication of articles in leading journals which are the other instances to prove their participative learning.
Our Institution adopts the innovative robust teaching learning process so as to provide quality education and good learning experience for students to make them to analyze the real-time applications and to supply the needs, as per industrial scenario.
Problem solving methodology is a student-centered pedagogy in which students learn through experiencing the salvation of open ended problems. This methodology helps students to develop their wit and talents, desirable skills and also attributes other aspects such as acquiring knowledge, enhancing group collaboration, team spirit and improvement of individual communication skill. Lab-oriented teaching, You-Tube video classes, Tutorial and Remedial Sessions for analytical courses are being conducted regularly to enhance the students’ problem-solving skills. Special lectures by the eminent personalities from premier institutions and industrial experts are invited and offered by our Institution often and thereby the students’ spirit in analyzing the methods to solve the problems is spurred up.
Evaluation of Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes attainment – is evaluated on direct and indirect attainment achieved by students. Direct attainment is assessed through three internal tests each meant for 100 marks with the assessment weightage for 20% and End Semester examination meant for 100 marks is assessed for 80% weightage. Both are taken together with the conversion of weightage for 80% and the remaining 20% meant for indirect attainment achieved through course end survey based on which final results published.
Similar strategy is followed for assessing attainment in practical examinations through Lab records, Observation, Model Practical Examination whose weightage is converted for 20% and End Semester practical examination is converted for 80% weightage and course end survey with 20 % weightage is added for publishing final results.
Indirect Attainment is assessed through Student Exit Survey held at the end of program, Alumni Survey and Parent’s Feedback being obtained every year. Survey questionnaire are mapped to relevant POs/PSOs.
At the outset of each semester the subject experts correlate the POs and PSOs with COs based on which the Course Outcome Target is set. Achieving total attainment of CO is used for assessing POs and PSOs attainment level. If the value compared is either equal or nearer to correlated value, it is construed that attainment is achieved successfully.
Grade Level – Based on the grade level fixed by Anna University as 91-100-“S” Grade, 81-90-“A”, 71-80-“B”, 61-70–“C”, 57-60–“D” and 50- 56–“E” Grade, our Institute has stipulated the attainment level that if 50% of students score 50 marks and above, it is graded as “Level-1”, 60 % of students score 50% and above, it is termed “Level-2” and 70 % of students score 50% marks and above, then it is graded as “Level-3”.
In the Outcome Based Education, the course coordinator is assessing through Internal Assessment & University Examination, Internal Lab Assessment and University Practical Examination, Internal Project Assessment, Viva-Voce and Course End Survey etc.
Direct Assessment Method For Calculating Attainment:
Attainment Level calculation through Direct Assessment | = | 0.8 (0.2 x Attainment level based on Internal Assessment marks +
0.8 x Attainment level based on University Examination marks) + 0.2 (0.2 x Course end survey) |
Project Works is intended to assess the students’ intellectual and innovative talents by applying knowledge and analytical skills which is reviewed at 4-levels viz., (i) Students finalizing project themes/titles with guide’s assistance, (ii) students’ proposed task design and their knowledge and their presentation before review panel, (iii) the extent of task completed, hardships faced and their efforts to get over and individual student’s involvement and (iv) evaluation of the project based on the task completed, its perfection by the review panel etc., and clarifications of queries by the project team during the demo session.
As a part of assessing students’ knowledge in engineering, viva–voce is conducted by internal and external examiners appointed by University at the end of last semester.